Cyprus opportunities
No matter what you’ve been accused of, it’s essential
to hire an experienced lawyer to represent you. We are specialist lawyers who
are able to assist in both business and general criminal law matters:
Criminal law is a system of laws concerned with the punishment of individuals who commit crimes that put other people at risk. These can range from serious crimes like murder to minor infractions like speeding.
When faced with a criminal charge, it is imperative to seek legal representation. Criminal proceedings can be extremely complex, and you will need all the legal advice you can get to protect your rights and build your defence.
We have the answers to your questions concerning the worst case scenario, the best case scenario and what actually happens in court.
Our client-oriented legal representation means that we take the time to educate you and guide your criminal defence case in the right direction.
Contact us if you have been accused of a crime to explore your options..
We can handle all misdemeanors and felonies, including:
- Asset forfeiture
-Assault and battery
-Domestic violence and juvenile crimes
-Drug possession and other drug-related crimes
-Human Trafficking
-Miscarriages of justice
-Money laundering
-Private Prosecutions
-Serious crime
-Theft and other property crimes
-Traffic offences
-White collar crime
We also advise on appeals to the Supreme Court and ECHR
ChrisLaw advocates are English speaking criminal defence
lawyers with specialist expertise in defending European arrest Warrants, International Arresrt
Warrants, Serious fraud, murder,
manslaughter, drug related offences, offences against the person, business
crime, theft and robberies, sex and indecent images cases.
If you have been accused of a serious crime or
offence, such as violent robbery, homicide, murder, or attempted murder, our
criminal defence solicitors can help provide the best
legal defence.
ChrisLaw advocates have over twenty years of experience in defending individuals accused of serious and grave crimes.
Many clients approach us because we guarantee that their case will be conducted by an experienced specialist and because of our commitment to the highest standards of client care. From the police station to the final court hearing your case will be conducted by a partner senior lawyer.
Serious and grave crimes require specialist expertise because they often raise difficult and complicated issues of law or complex factual scenarios often outside the standard range of experience of many other practitioners. Typically, the complex murder, fraud and organised crimes cases we are regularly instructed in will involve many thousands of pages of evidence, reports from forensic expert witnesses and complicated technical evidence such as cell site, DNA or accountancy analysis.
Recognised as leading figures in the field of criminal law, our lawyers have been involved in one of the largest, most complicated and longest running criminal prosecutions ever staged. Our experience, legal knowledge, technical know-how and resource capabilities means that we are well equipped to deal with the most demanding and challenging cases.
you are arrested and taken to a police station anywhere nationwide and need a criminal defence
lawyer please contact our solicitors 24 hours on (357) 97771769 .
Criminal cases can be won and lost in the police station long before you reach court. With over twenty years experience of police station advice and court advocacy in very serious cases you will be in safe hands with ChrisLaw advocates. We have advised clients in interviews in numerous murder, serious fraud, terrorism and Drug related offences. We are well versed in dealing with delicate negotiations with senior police investigators.
Knowing your legal rights can make all the difference between being charged and helping you to win a case. When dealing with the authorities, the advice below should stand you in good stead.
1. Stay Calm
While the experience of being accused of a crime can be very stressful, it's vital you stay as calm as possible. Call a lawyer as soon as you can.
2. Caution
The police should always caution you before questioning you.
3. When Can Police Make an Arrest?
The Police can make an arrest with a valid warrant or if they have reasonable grounds to suspect a criminal offence has or is about to committed. The Police can also arrest you if they think you have given them a false or unsatisfactory name or address if they think you are a risk to yourself or others and property, and if you are unlawfully obstructing the highway.
4. Your Rights on Arrest
The police should caution you and take you to a police station at the earliest opportunity, They may delay taking you if they think you have disposed of a stolen item or weapon in an attempt to retrace your steps to recover it. Once you have been cautioned, you should be told of your rights which include being allowed legal advice, telling someone of your arrest, and be able to see Police Codes of Practise. The police may delay your ability to inform others of your arrest if they think it could alert other offenders to your arrest and thereby impinge any investigation. The maximum delay in 24 hours.
5. Right to Silence
If you are accused of a crime you have a right to silence. You are also within your rights - and well advised - to wait for legal representation before you answer any police questions when taken in for questioning as a suspect.
6. Police Interviews
Attending a police station for questioning is normally the first step in any investigation. By liaising with the authorities we try and ensure that where possible these take place by arrangement to avoid the spectacle of a public arrest. Police interviews are designed to be harrowing and uncomfortable experiences and it can feel devastating. The impulse to panic and answer questions to secure a quick departure may be irresistible. Ensuring that you are fully aware of your rights on arrest and when in police custody and properly advised before you say anything is therefore vital. Let us negotiate these choppy waters for you. Based on many years of experience and with an outstanding reputation for quality advice, we take a proactive approach in dealing with the police and investigating authorities.
Often in an interview you may be advised to say nothing or to give a written statement outlining your response to the allegations made. Whatever the nature of the case, we will ensure that you have time to think and prepare your response to the questions you are likely to be asked.
you have been charged with a drug related crime, such as drug dealing or drug
trafficking, ChrisLaw advocates can provide you with
the best legal defence.
Defending Drugs Cases. Ensure the Best Legal Defence with ChrisLaw advocates. Drug offences are treated extremely seriously in the UK. A conviction for even the most minor drug possession offence can result in a criminal conviction that can have career ending consequences.
At ChrisLaw advocates we have extensive experience in defending individuals accused of drug related offending across the spectrum from allegations of possession and low level supply. We appear in courts all over the country. We have a reputation for quickly digesting large volumes of evidence to identify the key problem areas upon assuming conduct of a case.
Internet crime: With the explosion of technology, internet crime prosecutions are on the rise.
Internet crimes, such as online stalking and abuse, spamming, illegal downloads, hacking and copyright infringement, are on the rise, and in some cases those charged have been given highly punitive sentences to set an example. Even if it may appear that an offence is minor, it is vital that you get legal advice as soon as the police question you about any incident.
Computer crime: Even though this is a relatively new area of law, ChrisLaw advocates have an experienced defence team to help.
ChrisLaw advocates defend professionals and individuals who are subject to requests for extradition from Cyprus.
our firm also has links to reputable criminal lawyers internationally who can assist in forestalling extradition in the requesting state. Extradition is a discrete branch of criminal law based on treaty agreements with the requesting states or multilateral agreements such as the European Arrest Warrant Framework.
We have acted in a number of notable extradition cases including challenges to EAW requests and Category 2 cases in the context of business and organised crime investigations.
Contact us for a free initial call to discuss your case and visit our blog for regular updates on developments in the field.
The NCA Comes Knocking: The extradition process often starts without warning. It is important that specialist advice is obtained at a very early stage as soon as it clear that a criminal investigation has begun. Once a request is made by the Requesting state it will be communicated to the National Crime Agency, who will then contact the Requested Person seeking their arrest or surrender. The Requested Person is the taken into custody and produced before the Local District Court.
ChrisLaw advocates are defence lawyers recognised for their expertise in advising individuals who are unfairly made subject to Interpol red notices, Interpol Red Notices. With increasing International co-operation in the fight against organised crime and terrorism, it should come as no surprise that record numbers of Interpol red notices are being issued year on year. If you are named on a red notice we suggest you seek urgent legal advice. We can advise on immediate mitigating measures. There will inevitably be reputational and other consequences for anyone named on a list often referred to as that of the ”most wanted international criminals.”
In particular you will need to be aware of the likelihood of arrest when crossing international borders. It is also not uncommon for anyone named on a red notice to find employers using this as an excuse for disciplinary action, immigration concerns may arise and individuals may also face problems often in obtaining credit and bank account facilities.
Anyone named in a red notice has the right to seek its removal. The rules governing red notice appeals allow individuals to apply to the CCIF, Interpol’s internal review body. We have extensive experience of advising individuals in challenging red notices and in making deletion applications to the CCIF. The CCIF is based in Lyon and is an independent body within Interpol. Amongst its responsibilities it has the power to review and recommend the revocation of red notices. A final decision as to whether a red notice should stand is taken by Interpol having taking advice from the CCIF. Interpol will issue a red notice when requested to do so by one of it’s 190 member states. This normally occurs where a provisional arrest warrant is outstanding and the requesting state seeks the extradition of a named individual. The red notice is recorded on Interpol’s noticeboard and database and circulated amongst the world’s police forces. While a red notice is not an arrest warrant, many states believe it provides sufficient grounds to arrest and detain someone pending their extradition.
Experience has shown us that red notices are often open to abuse, particularly in the manipulation of the system by member states to political or other ends. This is often the case with countries that do not uphold international minimum human rights standards. Deciding on what is the right strategy when challenging a red notice will depend on the facts of each particular case.
Options include; Appealing to the requesting state, normally with the help of local lawyers that the underlying domestic warrant revoked. Liaising with the domestic authorities such as the NCA (National Crime Agency ) to have the notice removed.
Appealing to the CCIF: Most typically appeals arise because it is alleged that a member state has violated Articles 83 or 76 of interpol’s constitution i.e. that they seek an individual’s arrest not for criminal conduct but for activities of a “political, military, religious or racial character.” The rules governing CCIF’s procedure are complicated and have been criticised for their lack of transparency. For example, there is no right to a hearing, or to disclosure of the material provided to Interpol when the red notice request was made. Long delays are commonplace. There is also no mechanism for an appeal against any decision taken by Interpol after considering the CCIA’s recommendations.
We specialise in challenging red notices particularly from Russia and the former C.I.S. countries i.e. Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. We also work with local lawyers to prevent and forestall any extradition request and revoke red notices.
Your satisfaction is always our goal.